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Myong-Hun Chang
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- A Computational Model of Industry Dynamics
Routledge (Series: Routledge Advances in Experimental and Computable Economics): January, 2015
[Available at Amazon]
The study reported in this book attempts to explain many well-documented aspects of the evolution of industries over time. It uses an agent-based computational model in which artificial industries are created and grown to maturity in silico. While the firms in the model are assumed to have bounded rationality, they are nevertheless adaptive in the sense that their experience-based R&D efforts allow them to search for improved technologies. Given a technological environment subject to persistent and unexpected external shocks, the computationally-generated industry remains in a perennial state of flux. The main objective of the study is to identify patterns that exist in the movements of firms as the industry evolves over time along the steady state in which the measured behavior of the firms and the industry stochastically fluctuate around steady means.
The computational model developed in this book is able to replicate many of the stylized facts from the empirical industrial organization literature, particularly as the facts pertain to the dynamics of firm entry and exit. Furthermore, the model allows examination of cross-industry variations in entry and exit patterns by systematically varying the characteristics of the market and the technological environment within which the computationally-generated industry evolves. The model demonstrates that the computational approach based on boundedly rational agets in a dynamic setting can be useful and effective in carrying out both positive and normative economic analysis.
- The computational experiments performed in the book are based on the following baseline C++ codes:
- MagnumSolo.cpp: generation of time series outputs from a single replication
- MagnumMult.cpp: generation of time series outputs from 500 independent replications
- The above C++ codes are created using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012. The generated outputs (exported from the codes) are then analyzed using Wolfram Mathematica 7.0.
- If you do not have a C++ compiler, you may view the above codes in the following text files:
Published Works
- Organizational Theory
in: Friedrieke Wall, Shu-Heng Chen, and Stephan Leitner, eds.,
Oxford Handbook of Agent-Based Computational Management Science, New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming (2024)
[PDF copy]
- Spatial Disparities in Vaccination and the Risk of Infection in a Multi-Region Agent-Based Model of Epidemic Dynamics
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 26:3 (2023), 3. [doi: 10.18564/jasss.5095] (with Troy Tassier)
[Web version: Article]
- It's Worth a Shot: Urban Density, Endogenous Vaccination Decisions, and Dynamics of Infectious Disease
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 18 (2023), 163-189 [https://doi.org/10.1007/s11403-022-00367-4] (with Andrew Souther and Troy Tassier)
[PDF copy]
- Spatially Heterogeneous Vaccine Coverage and Externalities in a Computational Model of Epidemics
Computational Economics, 58 (2021), 27-55 (with Troy Tassier) -- online at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10614-019-09918-7
[PDF copy]
[Base code for the benchmark experiments 1 and 2 in Wolfram Mathematica 10.4: VaxxSourceCode_Benchmark.nb (PDF copy)]
- A Dynamic Computational Model of Social Stigma
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23:2 (2020), 1. [doi: 10.18564/jasss.4225] (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy]
[Web version: Article]
- Computational Industrial Economics: A Generative Approach to Dynamic Analysis in Industrial Organization
Oxford Handbook of Computational Economics and Finance, S.-H. Chen, M. Kaboudan, and Y.-R. Du, editors, New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, 594-634.
[PDF copy]
- Competition Policy
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, David J. Teece and Mie Augier, editors, (October 2015)
[Online] Available at: https://link.springer.com/search?query=Encyclopedia+of+Strategic+Management
[PDF copy]
- When Can We Expect a Corporate Leniency Program to Result in Fewer Cartels?
Journal of Law and Economics, 58 (2015), 417-449. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy: Mathematica Code for the Baseline Simulation]
- Individual
Learning and Social Learning: Endogenous Division of
Cognitive Labor in a Population of Co-evolving Problem-Solvers
Administrative Sciences, 3 (2013), 53-75. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy]
- Emergent
Social Learning Networks in Organizations with Heterogeneous Agents
Advances in Complex Systems, 14 (2011), 169-199
[PDF copy]
- Entry,
Exit, and the Endogenous Market Structure in Technologically Turbulent
Eastern Economic Journal, 37 (2011), 51-84 [Symposium Issue on Agent-Based Computational Economics]
[PDF copy]
- Agent-Based
Modeling and Computational Experiments in Industrial Organization:
Growing Firms and Industries in silico
Eastern Economic Journal,
37 (2011), 28-34 [Symposium Issue on Agent-Based Computational Economics]
[PDF copy]
- Modelling
the Birth and Death of Cartels with an Application to Evaluating
Competition Policy
Journal of the European Economic Association,
7 (2009), 1400-1435. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
- Industry
Dynamics with Knowledge-Based Competition: A Computational
Study of Entry and Exit Patterns
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination,
4 (2009), 73-114.
[PDF copy : Supplement]
- Innovators,
Imitators, and the Evolving Architecture of Problem-Solving Networks
Organization Science, 18 (2007), 648-666.
(with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
- Decentralization
Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Stewart Clegg and James
R. Bailey, editors, Volume 1, pp. 359-362. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
Publications (2007)
[PDF copy]
- Agent-Based
Models of Organizations
Handbook of Computational Economics II: Agent-Based Computational
Economics, Leigh Tesfatsion and Kenneth L. Judd, editors,
Elsevier (2006), 1273-1337. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy ]
- Discovery
and Diffusion of Knowledge in an Endogenous Social Network
American Journal of Sociology, 110 (2005),
937-976. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
- Co-Evolution of
Firms and Consumers and the Implications for Market Dominance
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control,
29 (2005), 245-276. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
- Organization
of Innovation in a Multi-Unit Firm: Coordinating Adaptive Search on
Multiple Rugged Landscapes
Economic Complexity: Non-linear Dynamics, Multi-agents Economies, and
William Barnett, Christophe Deissenberg, and Gustav Feichtinger, eds.,
International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Volume 14,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004.(with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
- Multi-Market
Competition, Consumer Search, and the Organizational Structure of
Multi-Unit Firms
Management Science,
49 (2003), 541-552 (Special Issue on "Managing Knowledge in
Organizations: Creating, Retaining, and Transferring Knowledge"). (with
Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy]
- Decentralized
Business Strategies in a Multi-Unit Firm
Annals of Operations Research, 109 (2002),
77-98 (Special Issue on "Game Practice"). (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy]
- Centralization
vs. Decentralization in a Multi-Unit Organization: A
Computational Model of a Retail Chain as a Multi-Agent Adaptive System
Management Science, 46 (2000), 1427-1440.
(with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy ]
- Product
Switching Cost and Strategic Flexibility
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,
7 (1998), 461-488.
- Organizational
Structure and Firm Innovation in a Retail Chain
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory,
3 (1997), 267-288. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
- The
Interactive Effect of Product Differentiation and Cost Variability on
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,
5 (1996), 175-193. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
- Flexible
Manufacturing, Uncertain Consumer Tastes, and Strategic Entry Deterrence
Journal of Industrial Economics, XLI
(1993), 77-90.
- Intertemporal
Product Choice and Its Effects on Collusive Firm Behavior
International Economic Review, 33 (1992),
- Exclusive Dealing Contracts in a Successive Duopoly with Side Payments
Southern Economic Journal,
59 (1992), 180-193.
- The
Effects of Product Differentiation on Collusive Pricing
International Journal of Industrial Organization,
9 (1991), 453-469.
- The
Effects of Irreversible Investment in Durable Capacity on the Incentive for Horizontal Merger
Southern Economic Journal,
55 (1988), 443-453. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
Book Review
- Review of Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy (by Roger A. McCain)
Eastern Economic Journal, 39 (2013),
[PDF copy]
Working Papers
- A Non-Equilibrium Theory of Merger Waves
April 2015
[PDF copy]
- Cyclical Industrial Dynamics in a Model of Schumpeterian Competition with Fluctuating Demand
May 2013
[PDF copy]
- Muddling through the Gales of Creative Destruction: A Non-Equilibrium Computational Model of Schumpeterian Competition
September 2012
[PDF copy]
- A Note on the Dynamics of Firm Turnovers in the East Liverpool (Ohio) Pottery Industry, 1825-2010
May 2012 (with Amanda Janosko)
[PDF copy: Appendix]
- The
Impact of a Corporate Leniency Program on Antitrust Enforcement and
April 2010 (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy]
- Partition
and Delegate: A Computational Algorithm for Generating Nested
Organizational Hierarchies with a Fixed Number of Tasks
June 2007
[PDF copy]
- Co-Evolution
of Firms and Consumers and the Implications for Market Dominance
Working Paper #23,
Center on Social and Economic
Dynamics , The Brookings Institution,
October 2001. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
- Centralization
vs. Decentralization in a Multi-Unit Organization: A
Computational Model of a Retail Chain as a Multi-Agent Adaptive System
Santa Fe Institute Working
Paper Series 00-02-010, 2000. (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.)
[PDF copy ]
- Chaebols
and Big Deals: Cross-Market Cost-Interdependencies and the
Excess Diversification Dilemma in Multi-Market Business Groups
September 1999
copy ]