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Myong-Hun Chang

Professor Emeritus

Department of Finance and Economics
Monte Ahuja College of Business
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, BU 526
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
(216) 687-3745

B.S., Cornell University, 1984
M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1987
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1988

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Myong-Hun Chang is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Cleveland State University. He studied Operations Research & Information Engineering as an undergraduate at Cornell University.  Upon graduating with a B.S. in 1984, he entered the graduate program in Economics at The Johns Hopkins University, earning a Ph.D. in 1988.  His primary research interests are in industrial Organization, organization theory, and game-theoretic and computational modeling of social and behavioral dynamics. In addition to Cleveland State University, he has taught at The Johns Hopkins University and the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University as a visiting faculty.

Selected Publications:

  • "Spatial Disparities in Vaccination and the Risk of Infection in a Multi-Region Agent-Based Model of Epidemic Dynamics," (with Troy Tassier), Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 26 (2023), 3.
  • "Spatially Heterogeneous Vaccine Coverage and Externalities in a Computational Model of Epidemics," (with Troy Tassier), Computational Economics, 58 (2021), 27-55.
  • "A Dynamic Computational Model of Social Stigma," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23 (2020), 2.
  • "When Can We Expect a Corporate Leniency Program to Result in Fewer Cartels," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), Journal of Law and Economics, 58 (2015), 417-449.
  • A Computational Model of Industry Dynamics. London: Routledge, 2015.
  • "Modeling the Birth and Death of Cartels with an Application to Evaluating Competition Policy," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), Journal of the European Economic Association, 7 (2009), 1400-1435.
  • "Innovators, Imitators, and the Evolving Architecture of Problem-Solving Networks," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), Organization Science, 18 (2007), 648-666.
  • "Discovery and Diffusion of Knowledge in an Endogenous Social Network," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), American Journal of Sociology, 110 (2005), 937-976.
  • "Coevolution of Firms and Consumers and the Implications for Market Dominance," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 29 (2005), 245-276.
  • "Multi-Market Competition, Consumer Search, and the Organizational Structure of Multi-Unit Firms," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), Management Science, 49 (2003), 541-552.
  • "Decentralized Business Strategies in a Multi-Unit Firm," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), Annals of Operations Research, 109 (2002), 77-98.
  • "Centralization vs. Decentralization in a Multi-Unit Organization: A Computational Model of a Retail Chain as a Multi-Agent Adaptive System," (with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr.), Management Science, 46 (2000), 1427-1440.
  • "Product Switching Cost and Strategic Flexibility," Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 7 (1998), 461-488.
  • "Flexible Manufacturing, Uncertain Consumer Tastes, and Strategic Entry Deterrence," Journal of Industrial Economics, XLI (1993), 77-90.
  • "Inter-temporal Product Choice and Its Effects on Collusive Firm Behavior," International Economic Review, 33 (1992), 773-793.
  • "The Effects of Product Differentiation on Collusive Pricing," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 9 (1991), 453-469.